Yoshiro Fujii: Severe dermatitis might be caused by a cross-reaction between nickel and palladium and dental amalgam resolved following removal of dental restorations. Clinical Case Reports, 2017.
DOI: 10.1002/ccr3.938
The construction of restorative and prosthetic dentalappliances comprises a wide range of metals. The corro-sion of these appliances releases metal ions into the body,and the linings of the mouth and the digestive system canabsorb these metal ions [1]. Many dental metals maybecome allergens [2]. Dermatitis caused by allergic reac-tions to mercury in dental amalgams are well known inthe medical community [3–11]. This study examines acase of widespread and persistent dermatitis that startedas nickel contact dermatitis and was not resolved despiteceasing contact with the nickel. A cross-reaction betweennickel and palladium may have contributed to the onsetof the subject’s symptoms. A reaction to the mercurycontained in a dental amalgam filling may have con-tributed to the deterioration of the subject’s symptoms[12]. This is suggested by the improvement of the sub-ject’s condition following the replacement of her dentalmetals with palladium-free materials.
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