【過去の国際学術誌誌上発表】Evaluation of a Mouthguard Customized Using the Occlusal Position during Maximal Grip Strength to Improve Sports Performance. - 歯の治療で全身の治療を【脳歯科】 - 咬合治療 / 噛み合わせ

【過去の国際学術誌誌上発表】Evaluation of a Mouthguard Customized Using the Occlusal Position during Maximal Grip Strength to Improve Sports Performance.

Yoshiro Fujii: Evaluation of a Mouthguard Customized Using the Occlusal Position during Maximal Grip Strength to Improve Sports Performance. A Case Report. Case Reports in Clinical Medicine,2019.8(6): 147-151
DOI: 10.4236/crcm.2019.86017

Two customized mouthguards were developed for a 35-year-old male kickboxer. These were identical in thickness (the vertical dimension between the upper and lower jaws), the material, and similar in form (visible outline); however, one mouthguard was designed such that the horizontal jaw position was determined by the maximal grip strength obtained by the subject during the Bi-Digital O-Ring Test. Both mouthguards were satisfactory in terms of how they felt during wearing and breathing; however, the subject achieved higher kicking force, punching force, and back muscle strength while using the mouthguard with an optimized horizontal jaw position. These findings suggest that to enhance sports performance, it may be important to determine the optimal biting position. The grip strength obtained during the Bi-Digital O-Ring Test is a useful parameter for this assessment.




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